Thursday, 26 July 2012

The final 3 Questions:

1)How do people react to drinking NEWater?
2)Why did Singapore turn to NEWater rather than using other ways?
3)What hassles are faced when producing NEWater currently/at first?

The Epic Questions of Questioning

1) What is the issue?
2) How do you define the issue?
3) How do you measure?
4) What are the possible solutions?
5) How to go about doing it?

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Research questions

Research Item: NEWater
Question 1: When was NEWater built?
Question 2: What are the processes gone through when purifying water?
Question 3: Is there any water purification plants in other countries? If so, where?
Question 4: How is NEWater useful other than purifying water?
Question 5: Was there a time that NEWater broke down/failed to work?
Question 6: How did the concept of NEWater come about?